From Colorado. For Colorado.

The future starts here.

The College offers programming in professions that promote individual, family and community well-being. Our graduates are from and for Colorado; they are the future practitioners, service providers, and leaders in Denver and the state. We aim to integrate them into their professional communities while they are students. And we invite you to join us in preparing and supporting our students, your future employees and colleagues.

As part of our mission, we seek to engage our internal and external communities and nurture a welcoming and purposeful environment, one that not only enhances learning and growth for students but also allows for students, staff, and faculty to contribute to the health and welfare of others.

Events & Activities

CHHS offers many events and activities throughout the year. Check back soon to see our upcoming Fall events.


The College has partnerships with over 900 state and local agencies, hospitals, and clinics. These partners are critical for our programs to remain relevant for employers as well as for mentorship, internships, and employment opportunities for our students and graduates.

If you or your organization are interested in partnering with the College or one of its departments, please email us at with the message line: Partnership.

Advisory Boards

Several of our departments have committees or boards comprised of leaders and experts in their respective fields. We appreciate the contribution these community members make to support our students and programming.

Our Nutrition and Social Work Departments have active advisory boards. Learn more about these departments.


Social Work


There is a plethora of ways to become involved with the College and change the life of a student. One way to offer your support is through a financial donation. We have multiple programs to which you can donate.

We are happy to talk with you about these opportunities and more if you’d like additional information. Please email with your contact information and the message line: GIVE

We appreciate your support and the difference you are making for our students!

Our giving opportunities include:


Our student population is hard working and goal-oriented, with adult lives and responsibilities. As many are first generation college students from working class backgrounds, they deeply benefit from financial support, support that can make a difference in whether they can stay in school and how long they take to earn a degree.

International Travel for Students

The College has a number of study abroad opportunities for students. Students are able to travel to countries such as Mexico, Lithuania, Germany, Hungary, Tanzania, and Scotland. Students learn about the culture, their profession in that country, and get to participate in a variety of hands-on experiences.

Study abroad programs have demonstrated value in boosting student retention and academic success, expanding students’ understanding of wellness, social problems, treatments, and solutions to improve the human condition, and increasing students’ cultural fluency

By contributing to one of the study abroad programs, you will be facilitating a transformative learning experience for students!

The Tower Project

To enhance the quality of health education and to meet the growing demand of health care professionals, the College has developed plans for a new building on campus. This building, dubbed the Tower, is an exciting, and sorely needed, addition to MSU Denver’s physical space for students in Exercise Science; Speech, Language, Hearing Sciences; Social Work; Addiction Studies; Nutrition; Emergency Medical Technology; Emergency Medical Services; and Nursing.

By contributing to the Tower building project, you will be ensuring our students have state-of-the-art facilities and technology to prepare them for the latest best practices in their profession.

Contact Us

We look forward to hearing from you!

Apply Today!

Office Email:


Campus Location:
West Classroom 133

Mailing Address:
College of Health and Human Services
Campus Box 8
P.O. Box 173362
Denver, CO 80217-3362